This winter we embarked on Shawn Bolz's 8 week e-course, God Secrets. It was a fantastic course & fueled much discussion, prayer & hands-on practicing of giving words of knowledge.
Here is some feedback from Lynley who participated in the course.

"A group of people from various places around Christchurch have been meeting up once a fortnight to work through the Shawn Bolz e-course and it has been such an amazing experience! Not only have we been learning some great stuff about the prophetic, hearing from God, and talking to others about God in an organic, natural way, it feels like we have become a bit of a family in the process.
Shawn presents information about words of knowledge in a way that is so easy to relate to and I feel there is something new and fresh that I learn each week.
The activations that we do then give us the chance to put all of it into practice. I have been so encouraged by the words people have spoken to me during these times. They have been accurate and have really helped me and challenged me to shift some stuff in my life.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in growing in hearing from God and stepping out to see God do some amazing things."
Go here to purchase the course: