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abouT us

Prayer Collective Christchurch (PCC) is a missional community, a launching pad & connection point for prayer and worship expressions in Christchurch, New Zealand. It birthed in late 2015.

We are very much inspired by the kaupapa of  24-7 Prayer International and value the torch they carry. We have an ongoing relationship with 24-7 Prayer New Zealand which launched in 2023. 


We aim to create, champion & inspire new modes of citywide & local prayer & worship initiatives. We aim to cultivate unity in the Church through collective prayer and worship gatherings, mobilize intercessory & ministry teams, and partner with various initiatives in Christchurch to connect people to God in meaningful ways. 

PCC birthed DEEP—a reoccurring, 24 hour, citywide, worship & prayer gathering. Since those early days, we've pioneered several other initiatives like the Easter Camp Prayer Tent, pop-up prayer rooms, run courses and served youth groups or organisations through teaching, worship or prayer. 

We also love to promote other prayer & worship gatherings in churches happening across the city to help others engage.


We want to inspire people's prayer life, equip them with resources and champion their own ideas around prayer & worship. Get connected with ongoing prayer & worship gatherings/communities or get inspired to start your own.  


While PCC is comprised of a core team of individuals from different churches and backgrounds, we are truly a wider community of believers around the city who interact regularly and support one another in pursuing a myriad of prayer, worship, creative & learning initiatives God is inspiring. There are many people involved at various capacities. We consider PCC to be an organic network and missional community that support individuals and the citywide Church body at large. 

We have been influenced by 24-7 Prayer InternationalBURN 24-7 and the faithful believers of Christchurch's own intercessors over the last several decades.

The team leaders are connected to YWAM Oxford,  Larkspur Church (Colorado, USA) and receive advisement from the PCC spiritual advisory board based out of Christchurch & Auckland.



We love to connect others to God. He is worthy of our attention. And it's in hearing His voice that we become whole, find our identity, receive wisdom and are sent into the areas He created us to have impact.


We continue to champion other current spaces and initiatives of prayer and worship in the city, serve at Southern Easter Camp at the Prayer Tent, and collaboratively dream with others about future pioneering endeavours.  


We have been holding some big dreams in our hearts for over 24 years that soon see the light of day. Stay tuned!

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