Our friends in Invercargill hosted their first DEEP a couple weeks ago. Here's some reflections they shared about the experience!
"DEEP was a fantastic evening with a living room style feel and a beautiful sense of God’s presence. Our worship team really set the atmosphere. Dozens of people turned out from across different denominations, and around 12 people stayed overnight. The event started and ended with taking of communion, a local Anglican priest ran a Taize session, and reflective prayer and art stations proved popular. One highlight was the taking of communion at the end of the event, where exactly 12 portions of grape juice were left from the first communion and exactly 12 people there in the morning to partake. Special thanks to the team who organised the event, Eastside Baptist Church for hosting, Prayer Collective Christchurch for their support, and our attendees and guests."
We love how they made it their own!