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Words for the Season, NZ specific

Prayer Collective Chch


By Miliana Raruve

At the Inflame conference at Grace, Miliana sent this to the Prayer Collective team:

...tonight they kicked off with worship... it was awesome to see creatives from all over the city lifting the name of Jesus, fixing our eyes on him and not on our differences as we worshiped together lifting him up over our city... i had a picture during worship as we were singing and declaring the song This City by Josh Klickenberg over our precious city..

chorus and bridge

(chorus: "will see this city dancing for joy, will see this city lifting you high, well see this city running to your arms..." bridge: "we declare ever mountain be moved, we declare every storm now be still, we declare every stronghold come down, we declare every sickness be healed now.")

as we were declaring the song, i saw this grey cloud in the sky like a thick wall and a hand with a wooden chisel chipping away at the wall little by little, as we sang that song and declared that mountains be moved, storms be stilled, stronghold's be brought down and the sick be healed I saw the chisel, chiseling through the wall not so much in big chunks but little by little. Have you ever done wood cutting, or stone carving..the process is painstakingly slow as you chip away on an image but the result is absolutely stunning... So I asked God what it was and he was like:

"1: that the Cloud was a representation of the atmosphere over Chch that is heavily affecting people (principalities and powers, its like a cloud wall of opposition that is like a strong thick blanket..)..but the praises of the people are powerful that's whats happening.

2: that the chisel was a representation of peoples prayers and worship, as people continue to praise and worship, it begins to chip away at the wall and is causing a breaking.

3: he said to "encourage them to keep pursuing me, keep praising, keep doing what your doing, keep praying, don't focus on the opposition focus on my goodness, breakthrough is coming, and a crack in the wall is coming, all i need is a crack in the wall and my presence will pour forth a trickling will escape from heaven into the streets, into homes, into schools. keep praising , keep worshiping, keep praying don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, keep going, don't give in, answers are coming, don't give in to lies don't give in to fear, i'm stirring the fires, keep seeking me for my presence, seek me, keep on going , don't give up, keep stewarding the prophetic words I've given about the city, about you as an individual cause your part of what I'm going to do, seek me for where I want to go,where I want to go, what I want to do,don;t delay, keep covering each other, you will have a fresh outpouring, just keep chiseling away with your united prayer, with your collective prayer,and worship. keep chiseling away, keep chiseling. I am also creating a beautiful masterpiece, a beautiful anointed church that will display my wonder, and will usher in my presence, SEEK ME, Seek to be intimate with me, don't seek THE Manifestation that's a bonus, seek me for the fresh outpouring of my presence on my city"


By Nate Johnston

Pioneers, where you have spent the last season scoping out plots of land, clearing paths, and defining language, you are about to put your roots down and become planters and well-diggers in this next season. Revival Centers will emerge and grow beyond their capacity as the thirsty come to the waters to be healed, equipped, and sent to the nations.


By Miliana Raruve

I saw a few trumpet-like instruments coming from the ground, each of different color and shape... each had an inscription of a different city this one that I saw had an inscription on it that had the name Christchurch on it. Other trumpets were popping up saw Auckland that was a different color... Often when someone blows such instruments you don't see what is happening but when I was seeing this picture I could distinctly see the spirals of the frequency and vibrations coming out of the trumpet and it was hitting the gray wall of the sky, with every blow of the trumpet the cloud was loosening. I was like so what is that God...he said to look up how the Wall of Jericho fell, and to understand that the praises and prayers of my people are like powerful frequencies that are having cataclysmic effects on the atmosphere. you don't see it but its shifting it's changing atmosphere...keep going, don't give up, even though you don't see things changing and things are looking worse keep praising keep praying, lifting my name, focus on me and my goodness.

Word from Jill Smith , May 2017

I want to encourage you, don't stop now, breakthrough is upon us, incredible shifts, and alignment with heaven. Praying for Aotearoa with friends a few days ago I suddenly felt (almost physically) a strong shift. I saw NZ literally shifted on it's foundations and moving from east to west. It felt like being in a car and hit by a bus and shoved sideways. The Lord said, "I'm realigning Aotearoa with it's true destiny and role among the nations." It was so powerful. It seemed really good (not like a disaster or anything). He is the God of Nations and we are about to align with our purpose 'in the nations van' in a greater way (our prophetic national anthem).


Three separate appearances of WAVE clouds over major New Zealand cities

February 19, Palmerston North

March 4, Christchurch

March 23, Wellington

Word from Brian Frances Hume

On the morning of September 6, 2015, the stirring of the Holy Spirit came upon me. It was for a nation. As my heart worshiped the King of kings, I became increasingly aware of His heart for this distant nation—Australia. As my heart surged before the throne of grace, I cried out to the Lord for Australia.

This nation, along with New Zealand, is known as the Down Under due to its proximity on the world map in the southern hemisphere. As I prayed into this, I felt as if this word had an unexpected twin, New Zealand. There’s an intricate connection as to what the Father desires to do in that region (this will be clearer in the next section).

I want to share a few things I felt and saw in that holy moment.

In this coming season, many significant voices will began to emerge from the Down Under. These are men and women of God who have been hidden until the appointed time. And the appointed time is coming upon us.

A key verse for these emerging voices is I Peter 5:5—Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.

Because they have been down under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt them up above to take the gospel of the kingdom to the four corners of the earth. Their identity has been established before the Lord in the secret place. They esteem their identity as sons and daughters of God seated with Him in heavenly places!

I heard the Lord declare four things these emerging voices have endured:

"Many have been but a bruised reed. I’m reminded of the promise of Matthew 12:20, 'a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory.' "

These hidden ones will be battle tested in the crucible of hardship and suffering. Though bruised, they’ve forged a deep trust in Him through adversities of life.These emerging voices will present forth the pure and unadulterated word of the Lord.

Many have undergone scathing rebuttals but have been found faultless. The Lord tested them in the face of man’s rejection, much like the young David who fled for his life from the jealousy of Saul. Such trials with jealous kings drove these hidden ones into the secret place where they encountered the holy jealousy of the King of kings. In this place of brokenness, the revelation was forged deep within: nothing less than total surrender unto Him. A depth of humility born through brokenness will be evident in these emerging voices—they will not seek to exalt their own name or ministry, but rather they long to honor Him above all.

Many have gone through lonesome trials. Much time has been spent in a God-ordained wilderness to prepare them for this moment. Though the Lord encountered these hidden ones in the wilderness, it was a lonely road. An aspect of their reward for previous obedience is the Lord’s plan to connect these hidden ones on a deep level with other emerging voices. Within a short period of time across the Down Under, these burning ones will began to find one another through supernatural orchestrations. Life-long God-ordained friendships will be kindled in this coming season.

Many have died before their time had come. This phrase puzzled me at first, but then the Lord clued me in. These emerging voices have laid down their needs for the attainment of success in their own eyes—and in the view of loved ones and their peers. They seek not significance in this age—as they have fixed their eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and the age to come. Many had to wrestle with their own ambitions and dreams for years until finally they surrendered it all unto Him. Galatians 2:20 will be a hallmark verse for many of these:

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

These hidden ones have died with Christ to their own aspirations and to man’s approval—therefore, their time to emerge as a voice to the nations is about to come. A distinctive mark of these emerging voices will be resurrection faith, the “immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might” (Ephesians 1:19)—dead things made alive in Him!

After Azusa Now (April 9, 2016) there will be a critical period of eighteen months as the Lord reshuffles the deck across Australia as it pertains to these hidden ones. Marching orders from The Lord of Hosts will be issued to these hidden ones in the secret place. As they step out of obscurity, they will start to connect with others who share a similar story. Acceleration of divine appointments will bring forth key stories told for years to come as to how the Lord sovereignly connected these hidden ones.

This is all done organically. This organic network of relationships becomes a key sustainer for the move of God in the days ahead. Together a generation of revivalists, intercessors, evangelists, apostolic preachers and prophets will begin to emerge to fan the flame of revival across the Down Under and beyond. These consecrated ones seek not to build their own ministry or platform—but they yearn wholeheartedly to exalt Christ Jesus above all else as they make His fame known throughout the nations of the earth.


On January 19, 2016, I shared a prophetic message titled, Changing of the Garb, during a global broadcast. The Lord gave me further prophetic insights concerning the Down Under.

I saw a plumb line of fire course through the middle of Australia, from the western border to the eastern border. It was an eastward fire of purging and refining that revealed God’s plumb line for the church. I knew it was a process that would transpire during the next six months. Then out of this refining would emerge a refined ekklesia, with the plumb line properly set.

This is what was transcribed from that broadcast:

A plumb line is going across the nation of Australia. A part of a remnant who are able to bring forth the plumb line. He is laying down the plumb line of Fire. In the next 6 months very specific things will come forth. God is speaking about “resurrection”. He is going to resurrect things across the nation in the next 6 months. I keep hearing resurrection. Diffusing faith in your heart for resurrection for things to come. Things that are teetering and it seems like it is going to collapse but God is going to come in at the last second, a resurrection of sorts. There will be specific shifts across the nation of Australia as He lays down the plumb line of Fire. We are contending to see revival break out across the nation. We thank You for emerging voices coming out of Australia that will go to the nations of the earth carrying Your fire of holiness.

Afterwards I kept hearing in my spirit something to this effect: There will be a moment when things are teetering on the edge—and collapse appears inevitable. I continued to receive from the Lord concerning Down Under as I sought Him.

The teetering is connected to a simultaneous shaking off the south eastern border. I saw three arrows from the direction of New Zealand pointing inland as if there was a move of God’s Spirit sweeping through the rest of the nation due to this initial “blast of a shake” off the border. I posed the question to the Lord, “What are the three arrows?” As I lingered in the secret place before Him, He showed me that these three things were to emerge.

SWORD OF THE SPIRIT—a resurgence of hunger for the Word of God must come forth in this hour. Anointed messengers who love God’s Word deeply, will bring fresh impartation to hunger for God’s Word. This will parallel the slow burn of the plumb line being established across the nation. The saints will seize “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ep 6:17), in order to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12).

HORN OF SALVATION—Zechariah, father of John the Baptizer, prophesied, “And has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David His servant” (Luke 1:69). The horn speaks of strength; and salvation points to a mighty deliverance wrought forth through the strength of the Anointed One. The Father wants to thrust forth anointed deliverers into the whole nation. This will be a significant part of the Lord establishing His plumb line across this nation. I see a mighty work of deliverance coming forth that ignites fresh fire.

CANOPY OF GLORY—the Lord is going to erect an actual antique canopy (I believe one gifted from New Zealand) as a foreshadowing of the glory to cover the entire Down Under. The canopy of His glory will be evident once the plumb line of fire has been laid properly. Key messengers of His glory will help to stretch this glorious canopy throughout the entire Down Under. Isaiah 4:5 is a key verse—then the LORD will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy (NASB).

The arrows originate from New Zealand out of an explosion of a praying and fasting remnant. This will be a catalyst that will galvanize an entire nation under the glory of God. Out of this will come forth emerging voices for the nation; but also for the nations of the earth. A distinctive mark of this emergence will be resurrection faith. What appears dead—or is dead—will revive once again!

Above all, Christ Jesus will be exalted and glorified in Down Under!

Word from Nate Johnston

This morning I woke up in a state of intercession and my eyes were turned towards Australia and New Zealand and the Lord said "Speak Harvest!" and so I began to decree harvest and i saw a sickle reaping the lands and a mighty shout of joy came forth, and all those that had fallen asleep in the waiting were awoken. All those that had fallen into apathy suddenly broke forth into song.

I prophesy HARVEST over the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit today, over churches meeting everywhere today that a sound of awakening would come forth, and we would trade religion and apathy for the glory of God! It's time for harvest!!


By Jamie Hansen

AUCKLAND SKY - ARMY OF ANGELS I had a dream/vision on Saturday night as I was falling into sleep. I saw the Heavens open up over Auckland City Harbour. The sky was suddenly filled with what seemed like literally millions of Angels (…a great company of the heavenly host…Luke 2:13).

It was Heavens Army waiting to invade. The Glory was intense! But they were waiting on my welcome. I thought surely their release to invade is not dependent on my welcome? And instantly it became abundantly clear that without the glad welcome of His sons and daughters they would not be released. Then my spirit started to burn and roar with the desire to do so.

I felt intense resistance to what I knew I had to do and decree (maybe because I was half asleep lol!). But with all the strength I had, I decreed and motioned with my arms (waving and welcoming them in) and repeated: "I welcome you Angels and all of Heaven to come an invade our Land".

The Holy Spirit showed me that the welcoming of His Army of Angels by the waving and motioning of my hands was particularly important and it was only when I did this that I instantly felt the release of His Angels and then I came out of the dream/vision.

Right now, it’s like we are being asked to completely align ourselves (body, spirit and soul) with Heaven to invade and pour out his Spirit like we have never seen before.

How much do we long for Him to invade with His LOVE and POWER? It will happen when we, anchored in his amazing love for us, completely align ourselves (spirit, body and soul) with Heavens plan and gladly welcome in His Army of Angels.

Word from Nate and Christy Johnston June 2017

I had two visions about New Zealand recently, which I believe represent the unveiling and emerging of Revivalists that will purify the land and then sweep the nations with the fires of revival.

100% PURE

In the first vision I saw a spring bursting up from the ground that was crisp and clear and I heard the Lord say that a pure prophetic flow is springing up that will refresh and purify the land and then raise a new standard of purity in this hour for the nations. I saw the areas that the enemy had tried to defile the land and to taint the purity of the nation. There were bills and laws attempting to be passed that would poison the water but this spring was bursting forth to heal and restore the health and wellbeing of the nation.

Interestingly the tourism campaign for New Zealand is '100% Pure New Zealand,' and I believe that theLord was showing me that New Zealand would be sought after as a deep well of revival, that many would come and partake of and to 'taste and see' and they would then take back what they have tasted of to their home nation.


In the second vision I saw a mighty mountain with cloud covering the top with just the peak surfacing and suddenly there was a sound like an earthquake and thunder and then I saw thousands upon thousands of believers rushing down the mountains singing a song, like an anthem of victory and the sound of the war cry, and as they reached the bottom of the mountain suddenly a sound wave was released like fire that went out from the borders of New Zealand, out towards the Pacific islands and Australia and then the rest of the nations.

Then the Lord drew my attention to two specific mountains, Mt Ruapehu in the North Island and Mt Cook in the South.

The name Ruapehu means; 'To explode and make a large noise', which is significant and confirming to what the Lord was showing me. New Zealand is in a season that it is making a noise that the nations will hear. An explosion, a loud noise and mighty move of the Holy Spirit is starting.

Mt Cook or "Aoraki" as it is called in the Maori language, means "Cloud Piercer", which is prophetic of the company of people that God is raising in this hour. They are glory dwellers and heaven interceptors, they live in the mountain of His presence and then come down the mountain to release the sound. The original Maori people of this region that named the mountain were called the 'Ngai Tahu', people which translates; 'to start a fire'. So just as I saw in the vision there was a fire being released from these cloud piercers that would burn through the nation and the nations.

-Christy Writes:

My Mum and her family are from New Zealand, so I consider myself to be equally Kiwi as much as I am Australian. I have fond memories of growing up visiting New Zealand as a child and recently the Lord has been stirring in my heart an awakened desire to pray for this nation that I love so much. I remember often hearing the Maori name for New Zealand, ‘Aotearoa.’ Wikipedia describes its translation as follows: The word can be broken up as: ao = cloud, dawn, daytime or world, tea = white, clear or bright and roa = long. The common translation is "the land of the long white cloud". An alternative translation is ‘long bright world.’

This is by no coincidence as I see that the Lord's Glory is descending upon the people of New Zealand in unanticipated and unexpected ways. The land is known for its rain, but it is about to become renowned throughout the world for the Glory of the Lord. I heard the Lord say, “I am releasing my Glory Cloud to the land of the Long White Cloud. New Zealand will be a nation KNOWN for my Glory!”


I then heard His voice declare: “I am awakening my truth in the hearts of the Native Maori people, I am going to honor their ancestral foundations upon this land and I am stirring their warrior hearts within to release of My Glory to the North and the South of New Zealand.’ I believe this is just the beginning. Small fires are kindling from those, all Kiwi's alike, who have long contended for revival in New Zealand, they have fought against old mindsets, complacency and despondency. I see the Father’s breath of wind roaring through the flames of kindling and causing them to erupt in mountainous bonfires all across the Nation.

The Glory Cloud that the Lord is releasing is a cleansing cloud, bringing healing to the hearts of those who have felt lost, forgotten and have felt stuck in a place of despair. The Father is saying, “Look up! Look up and see what I am about to do! Run out and stand in my Rain as I pour it forth!” Just as when the rain falls, nothing is exempt from its touch, so too will this cloud of His glory saturate and cleanse every part of the Nation, from the North to the South. I see His glory spreading to the Pacific Islands, even those in distant tribes that are untouched from the rest of the world will not be exempt from His outpouring that will spread from the Nation of New Zealand.

THE SILVER FERN and KORU I also saw a picture of the Silver Fern, which is renowned as the National symbol of New Zealand. It is seen on the tail of New Zealand airlines, on Maori carvings and NZ athlete uniforms. I found some amazing prophetic insights to this fern. Māori hunters and warriors used the silver underside of the fern leaves to find their way home. When bent over, the fronds would catch the moonlight and illuminate a path through the forest. The NZ Army also used it during the second Boer War. The Koru as the Fern is called in its early growth, symbolizes new life, growth, strength and peace. Wikipedia describes it like this: 'the circular shape of the koru helps to convey the idea of perpetual movement while the inner coil suggests a return to the point of origin.' This is amazing in that I believe the Father is conveying a new season of perpetual movement in His glory, where He is causing New Zealand to return to its point of origin, that is in Him. The fern in itself is a prophetic declaration from the Father that New Zealand will be like a reflector that would capture the light of the Father in the midst of the world’s darkness and illuminate a path for the Nations to follow. The fact that this fern was used in the war is a sign that the Father is using New Zealand as a weapon, as a light to the Nations in this end time harvest, the war for souls. It is also significant that the Koru is used on the tail of NZ airlines. The very term 'unfurling' means to: 'make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind.' I believe this speaks of the people of New Zealand unfurling to His voice, where they have been previously closed up to Him. This is a season of perpetual movement, a folding out of Glory like a thick blanket across the corners of New Zealand and an opening up for the tail wind of His Glory to guide you into greater heights. As the hunger of the Father's glory stirs within the hearts of His people, those who contend for His glory in the secret places will be elevated to new heights and will be forerunners of what He is doing, unfurling His voice to the nation in this hour.


In addition to this, New Zealand is the first place in the world to witness the first sunrise of each new day, and I believe this is a prophetic picture of the new dawn arising over New Zealand. The light that God is uniquely pouring out over this land will spread to every other nation of the world. Psalm 65:8 says; Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy. Amazingly, New Zealand is the furthest point from Jerusalem which speaks of God reaching the ends of the earth. So, for those of you who are in New Zealand, I want to encourage you, you will inspire shouts of joy that will be heard all across the earth. The Father is calling you to align with His declaration over you. Lift up your songs, lift up your battle cries, seek His face first, seek unity and link your arms together, for the hour of awakening is upon you.

New Zealand, You will shine and illuminate the light of the Son to the rest of the world. God has not forgotten you, New Zealand. You are forerunners of His glory and you are being awakened in this very hour to His purposes for you from the beginning of time. Arise, Shine, for your light has come and the Glory of the Lord arises upon you!

“Indeed, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.” Sing to the Lord a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, You islands and coastlands, and those who inhabit them [sing His praise]!

Isaiah 42:9-10 (AMP)

June 2017 // Jesse F.

Worship In Spirit and in Truth

This message has burned on my heart time and time again.

On Waitangi Day 2014, crossing the harbour bridge in Auckland, where I lived at the time, I noticed that one of the two New Zealand Flags had been replaced with the Maori flag. On this day we honoured the treaty and our bi-cultural heritage. What I experienced passing over this bridge was a different atmosphere than usual. There was a sense of strength, power, warfare and a warrior spirit. What once felt like almost neutral and still spiritually, had become vibrant dynamic and alive with passion and zeal. I believe what I was experiencing was the true spiritual atmosphere of the people of the land, in unity.

I’ve experienced this atmosphere released in worship many times when the body has released an authentic Kiwi and often Maori sound. Some of the most holy experiences in the weightiness of His glory has been when we have release a native sound, honouring our unique creativity and honouring our cultural heritage.

In 2014 I attended a meeting at the church I was a part of at the time, and I saw in the spirit a gate that had been established over the worship. The gate was established but it was chained up and unopened. I believe that the people of this land have been given the Keys to this gate, and the Key is their cultural identity, worship sound, in spirit and in truth. Not only in passion, but from a place of true authentic identity and expression, taking ownership of who we are in Christ. Not imitating or relying on an Australian, American, or international sound, but releasing the sound of the land, of the people. In particular the Maori people have been given an authority and key to roar and release a breakthrough. It isn’t that incorporating foreign songs needs to stop, after all we are a multi cultural people, but we can’t rely others to show us the way. We can’t recreate their sound or be someone we are not. We cant take another nations mantle or calling. We have our own to peruse, and we have our own Identity in Christ to step into, our own sound.

After the major earthquakes of 2011 in Christchurch, buildings were torn down and needed to be rebuilt, but I herd the Lord sat “I will build my foundations on the hearts of men”, and I believe God wants to establish and build our foundations on an authentic original intimate worship and communion with Him, followed by an indigenous sound from our hearts, where deep calls out to deep, not influenced by anything else but who YHVH says we are.

Where we take personal ownership of our calling and identity, and no longer look to others to seek our Fathers face for us. I believe when this takes place, not only Maori, but all of us as Kiwis, will be able to enter corporately into a place of true worship in a way that we are not currently experiencing. This will happen as the sound released will resonate with our hearts and our true identity, and will release us into unity, zeal and the Fear of the Lord. I believe a tangible atmosphere of the Glory will invade our services in new ways, and faster than before. I believe the fruit of that manifest Glory will be new boldness, strength, power and might and most of all the Fear of the Lord. I believe we are all called into this sound, and we a sound to release into the harmony of this new indigenous sound, but in particular there are keys that have been given to the Maori. The natural sound released will be just a manifestation of what God is going to do in our hearts, bringing us into fullness of identity and knitting us together in Christ, distinct and unique from the emerging global community and culture. I believe this is a huge key to seeing the glory, released in our nation, to see transformation of our hearts and culture, to terraform the Land and to release revival. Lets become a people who honour one another, who release one another into our callings and who live in unity within diversity. If that kind of worship is what we want, we can have it. He has given us the keys to the Kingdom!

June 2017 // Miliana R.

“Sing the song of the Lord” There is an indigenous sound unique to this land, that has been lost. But I am wanting to encourage you who I’ve brought here from nations and across the world to help ignite the fire of the people here. Roman’s 7:9 “ For (even the whole) creation (nature) waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed”. There’s a maori war cry that has been silenced, that needs to be let out, because that is what creation is longing to hear. But that is also reflective of the war cry that is yet to resound from all of God’s son’s and daughters. But for Aotearoa there is a warrior and prophetic spirit on this nation, that has been silenced, but I’m wanting to unleash it so that other nations can capture it and wake up.there's a distinct roar that has been silenced, Because of the past.there has been too much pain, too much suffering and the land has felt it, and it has shut down. But there is a reawakening happening, I ‘m stirring the waters and the fires, of this land, I’m reigniting and overflowing. The whole earth is waiting in eager expectation for the people of this land to know their identity, to know me its creator. Each tribe, each tongue is a representation of heaven’s diversity. There is no competition, there is only honor in heaven. Each tribe is represented there as is reflected in Revelation 7:9

“After this I looked and saw a multitude too large to count, from every nation and tribe and people and tongue, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their lands.” “Release the sound of the Land”- To release- is an action, to allow or enable to escape from confinement; to set free. Its the sound of the people (Maori and pakeha), and it's also the sound of worshippers (sons and daughter’s who walk in their identity and authority) who worship in spirit and truth. Sing the song of the land. It's great to sing songs by artists like bethel, hillsong etc, but the world is yet to hear the song of tribes and nations, different tongue's, and tribes. There is a sound that has yet to be heard and it resides in the very core of who New Zealand is, NZ carries a warrior, spirit that is prophetic in its nature, which has been silenced. But slowly dripping out.. over the years. I'm waiting till the people of NZ begin to recognise their identity and the heritage that they carry which intertwines Maori and Pakeha...whats important here is honor...there is a sound of unity that comes as a result of honor. When pakeha honour Maori, it's an act of high respect. because Maori set foot on the land first. But they need to understand how to honor each other, despite their differences. Pray that a culture of honor would be established in this nation, that heavens perspective of honor gets downloaded here into the church, the government, the workplace, the schools etc. For reconciliation amongst the people. For forgiveness, and trauma caused by the action of the forefathers of this land..For repentant hearts, people turning back to him.

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