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Prayer Collective Chch

Words for Christchurch, May 2018

Fortnightly, we gather people from around different churches to pray together for the city. We love this collective time of seeking God's heart together. Here are some of our senses from our gatherings this month:

—There was a significant shift at the end of 2017, creating more of a lightness in the "atmosphere". Some major darkness strongholds were broken. Practically this means we have been seeing more of an ease in prayer, ministry, flowing in the spirit, overcoming personal attacks, etc.

—Burnout has been a common theme lately among leaders & this has stood out as a strategy of the enemy to knock leaders down. We must recognize that strategy and spend time with the Lord for refreshing and strength.

—We are entering a season where God is going to bring unexpected revelation and visitation to conservative leaders & people of the faith

—We are in a season of rapid "acceleration" where God is shifting things around, challenging us to grow and opening new doors of opportuinty. It may be disorienting but go with it, trusting Him along the way. Lean in, rest in God in this season. Ask what He is doing in you.

—No one ministry or church will be lifted up. All are valuable and have a role to play.

—Dying to self is vital to being open to God's way & strategies. Position yourself to let God move.

—Revival is not about a visitation but a habitation. Revival starts with our own hearts.

—Unity is vital & tied with that is the importance of sharing with other churches & ministries what you are doing, what God is up to & working together where God leads

—The enemy tries to bring the opposite of what God wants to bring. We felt to pray into the PEACE & JOY of the Lord replacing the ANXIETY that has affected many across the city. This is the Lord's kingdom & land. He is the PRINCE of PEACE. A king or ruler of a place emanates their character into a region.. we declare HIS PEACE to replace what the enemy is "broadcasting" (anxiety).

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